Markes International Ltd已与JP Scientific Ltd签订了许可和供应协议,JP Scientific Ltd是薄膜固相微萃取(TF-SPME)的生产商和专利持有人,允许标记为全球提供新的采样设备,以提供广泛的应用。
Both SPME and TF-SPME were invented by Professor Janusz Pawliszyn from the University of Waterloo – a founder and board member of JP Scientific Ltd. Professor Pawliszyn said: “JP Scientific’s mission is to facilitate the implementation of green analytical chemistry into practice through partners such as Markes, who are as keen as we are to develop sampling devices, apparatus and protocols which make sensitive and environmentally friendly analytical approaches possible.
Andy Hardwick, Commercial Director of Markes’ parent company, Schauenburg Analytics Ltd agreed, adding: “Through this agreement Markes will be able to offer clients a hard-to-rival level of expertise and support, instrumentation, accessories and consumables to enhance the analytical capability of GC–MS. The improved sensitivity in the sampling of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds afforded by TF-SPME will be particularly helpful in water quality, environmental, forensic, food, flavour and fragrance applications.”
Hardwick continued: “Markes’ and The University of Waterloo’s collaboration has in many ways been facilitated through the University’s long-standing relationship with Markes’ sister company, SepSolve Analytical Ltd. In fact, SepSolve very recently opened its newest base in Waterloo to be nearer to the University and further develop this alliance.
“标记和SEPOLES都是Schauenburg Analytics Ltd的一部分;标记制造和出售仪器,用于样品制备和浓度,包括热解动,SPME,Headspace和Hisorb™高容量的吸气提取。它还提供全面的仪器,采样设备和耗材,以增强GC – MS的分析能力。
“ SEPOLES为分析工作流程提供了量身定制的产品和应用程序包,从采样到检测到包括GC×GC和飞行时间质谱,所有这些都融合了功能强大的软件,以提取最大的分析数据并提供更快的吞吐量。
Markes将于2020年初推出其TF-SPME纤维和入门套件。该公司还将在Pittcon 2020和Dermanty Dermany 2020年推出新系列。