Rapid O / N / H Analysis in Solid Samples
May 10 2022
ELTRA’s new ELEMENTRAC ONH-p 2 measures oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen concentrations in inorganic samples from low ppm levels to high percentages. Innovative features allow for accurate analysis of up to 2 g of rod-shaped, granular, or powdered samples. Configurations for one-element or multi-element analysis are possible.
The ELEMENTRAC ONH-p 2-series measures concentrations of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in inorganic samples by inert gas fusion in an impulse furnace. The sample is introduced to the sample port and melts in the graphite crucible at a temperature of up to 3000 °C. The released gases are detected by two infrared cells and a thermal conductivity cell.
The ONH-p 2 is conveniently operated via the intuitive ELEMENTS software. Measurement results are typically available after 120 to 180 seconds analysis time and can be exported, printed or transferred to LIMS. The analyzer is available in versions for single-element determination of oxygen, nitrogen or hydrogen as well as for measuring combinations of ON, OH, NH, and ONH.
The new sample port of the ONH-p 2 ensures convenient operation and reproducible measurement results. Differently shaped samples can be applied up to a weight of 2000 mg. They are quickly freed from the surrounding atmosphere with the help of pulsed carrier gas flushing in the sample port. Then they drop vertically into the preheated graphite crucible for analysis.
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International Labmate Buyers Guide 2022
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