Free Webinar: Redefine your Dynamic Light Scattering Particle Analysis
What would you say if there was a Dynamic Light Scattering instrument allowing you to measure your samples without dilution? Which does not need cuvettes or fixed measurement cells but can turn any vessel into a sample cell?
Too good to be true? No way! MICROTRAC MRB presents a nanoparticle size analyzer which can do just that – theNANOTRAC FLEX.
Curious to learn more? Then attend our free webinar on March 7th!
Follow thislinkto register for the webinar.
Microtrac MRB’s NANOTRAC Flex is a highly flexible nanoparticle size analyzer based on Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) which provides information on particle size, concentration, and molecular weight. It allows faster measurements with reliable technology, higher precision, and better accuracy. All of this combined into a compact DLS analyzer with a revolutionary fixed optical probe.
与探针设计和独特而灵活use of the Laser Amplified Detection method in the NANOTRAC FLEX, the user is able to choose an appropriate vessel as a measurement cell to satisfy the needs of any application.
This design allows measurements of samples over a wide concentration range, monomodal or multimodal samples, all without prior knowledge of the particle size distribution. This is made possible through the use of the Frequency Power Spectrum (FPS) method instead of classical Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (PCS).
Clickhereto learn more.
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International Labmate Buyers Guide 2022
June 2022
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