科学分析实验室的丹尼尔·斯科特(Daniel Scott)赢得了500欧元的Labmate竞赛
在国际实验室,我们希望让读者满意 - 通常通过提供您可能需要的所有最新新闻。但是,对于一个幸运的获胜者,我们走了一些!去年,国际实验室将所有新订阅者送给了其任何实验室期刊,获胜的机会雷竞技欢迎500欧元,通过将他们的名字输入奖品抽奖。因此,当科学分析实验室有限公司的丹尼尔·斯科特(Daniel Scott)接到电话时说他赢得了比赛时,他简直不敢相信自己的运气,并评论说:“我从来没有赢得任何胜利,所以这无疑是一个令人惊喜的惊喜!”
丹尼尔(Daniel)雷竞技欢迎在伦敦的Fisher Science World展览中订阅。As ‘Inorganic Section Head’ at SAL Ltd (Manchester UK), one of the largest independent laboratories in Europe, he felt he absolutely needed to be kept up-to-date with all the latest news in the industry, particular as the Company is now analysing and testing samples for the Biological Monitoring, and Food & Feeds sectors at a growing rate. He subscribed to International Labmate and certainly got a lot more than he had expected. Congratulations Daniel, enjoy your winnings.
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