• Free of Charge Digitisation Service Announced

Free of Charge Digitisation Service Announced

Apr 28 2020

Motic, the well-known supplier and developer of solutions of light microscopes and imaging tools with 35 years of global market presence announces a free of charge Digitisation service. This is meant as an effective tool to increase efficiency of work in medical healthcare, where image capturing and fast data exchange for diagnostics today are of higher importance than before.

TheMoticEasyScandevices are the basis for a whole slide data acquisition, the DS-Server MotiCloud allows a safe storage of confidential information. Sharing clinical expertise by a worldwide cooperation gives an easy access to a ‘Second Opinion’ from remote located experts. The user may invite a colleague by a simple email for an exchange of opinions.

When the slide samples arrive at Motic Europe office in Barcelona, a dedicated specialist will load a MoticEasyScan system for converting the glass slide information into digital data. During the complete process the European data protection rules are followed in the most serious way.

Once the digital data are created, they will be uploaded to theDS-Server MotiCloudfor a period of 12 weeks. The access to these image files can be granted only by the original user through email. A data transfer by Motic to third parties is strictly excluded by law. The image data as well as any added document for diagnostics uploaded on the DS-Server MotiCloud stay as an exclusive property of the initial user.

“This Digitization Service is an offer in times when the world gets closer and the fight for our common health is the most important issue”, Andres Lopez, Product Specialist and Sales Manager at Motic Europe, stated. “We regard the efficiency of our MoticEasyScan systems as extremely helpful these days and like to support all people fighting in this crisis.”

Motic products are distributed through a network of well-known lab suppliers and dedicated microscope specialists. The Digitization Service will be free of charge until end of September 2020.
