Motic announces new high-end microscopy products for the expert’s choice
Oct 05 2021
A few years ago, Motic China Group Co., Ltd, a manufacturer of traditional light microscopes and microscope camera systems entered the unknown market of Whole Slide Scanners for one-touch use in the daily work of all pathology institutions like hospitals, clinics, but also smaller medical practices.The remarkable positive response of the pathologists onMotic’sscanner portfolio motivated to go further and to follow the road tohigh-end solutions both in biomedical and industrial fields, ready for the experts and their demands in hardware and software.
PA53模型对于生物医学微指令copes with highest performance level. These models cover all objective classes; the expert gets the chance to choose between resolution or transmission for his personal needs. Motorised elements can be integrated for ease of work. Ergonomics is self-evident. Fluorescence is based on a variety of light sources. A software plug-in allows the handling of multi-stained sample images. Overall, we can find a superior performance, ready to be personalised for individual preferences.
The PA53 models for industry follow exactly the same philosophy. For the inspection of surface defects, for quantification purposes in x / y and z, Motic additionally offers several software tools, perfect to work on visualised phenomena from all contrast methods of an incident light illumination.
For preparation work with a color-true reproduction especially in medicine, an Apochromatic stereo microscope is the missing tessera. Any user may profit from stunning images in 3D.
Again, Motic is on the way to cross boundaries and stepping beyond.Ready for the expert’s demands.
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