New Software for Gel Permeation Chromatography/Size Exclusion Chromatography
Jun 19 2012
Agilent Technologies Inc have today announced the launch of the new Agilent GPC/SEC software for gel permeation/size exclusion chromatography with improved measurement and reporting capabilities for the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. The software can be used across different platforms, providing a common element in both Agilent 1200 Infinity GPC/SEC systems and former Varian GPC/SEC systems.
安捷伦的软件附带了一个外观和GPC /秒feel similar to the Agilent OpenLAB CDS LC software, making it easy for users to switch between GPC/SEC and HPLC. The software builds on shared Agilent OpenLab software components, such as the Agilent Instrument Control Framework. The GPC/SEC software includes a component that facilitates data collection and full control of all instrumentation supporting RC.NET driver technology. This includes: all Agilent 1200 Infinity LC modules; all Agilent 1200 series modules; all Agilent 1100 series modules; the Agilent PL-GPC 50 system; certain non-Agilent models.
“Our powerful GPC/SEC systems provide a cost-effective and scientifically sound methodology for routine polymer characterisation,” said Helmut Schulenberg-Schell, LC Marketing Manager at Agilent. “The new software extends our comprehensive GPC/SEC portfolio and not only provides users with better-quality results but enables quick and easy data retrieval and export in a variety of formats.”
GPC /秒软件确保可重复的结果for conventional analysis with concentration detectors only and advanced multidetector applications. The new customisable user interface offers easy access to improved information content from light-scattering and viscometry measurements. Data collection from multiple channels is collated, and results, such as molecular weight and branching, are calculated in a single location.
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