新加坡科学,技术与研究机构研究所(A*Star)研究所的Agilent Technologies和生物处理技术研究所(BTI)宣布,他们将采用新的分析方法来分析特定蛋白质链接的糖化合物。该合作将解决基于糖蛋白的药物的分析测试和标准的差距,该药物现在构成了大多数认可的生物药物药物。当前用于表征聚糖的分析方法是耗时的,难以在商业环境中部署。他们的检测和分析小聚糖物种的能力也有限。
According to Nino Totino, General Manager for Agilent’s Life Sciences and Applied Markets Group in the South Asia, Pacific and Korea region, there is a critical need in the biopharmaceutical industry for a novel technology platform that can support detailed glycan analysis quickly and effectively in a high throughput environment. Both Agilent and BTI will work together on several projects that could lead to the creation of rigorous, standardised tests for drug safety and efficacy.