35 Years of Tubing
Oct 21 2009
2009年庆祝35年蠕动泵tubing business forElkay Laboratory Products Ltd. Whether routine or research applications, Elkay provide a solution to fit most microbore tubing needs.
Tubing is an essential part of peristaltic pumping but endusers too often are unsure about tubing formulation suitable for their application. From Acetaldehyde to Zinc Chloride, customers can be assured they are using the correct material for the job by accessing Elkay’s comprehensive chemical compatibility chart. This is available both in the current Elkay catalogue as well as online.
An ideal tubing for routine use is Elkay’s standard or flowrated PVC, available with or without ‘bridges’. Bridges are plastic tags that hold the tube firmly in the pump. Solvent FlexibleTM PVC has been specially formulated for routine solvent use. Acid FlexibleTM is a vulcanised rubber compound used with strong acids, alkalis, solvents and where high temperature fluidics are needed. Silicone Rubber has a broad chemical compatibility and is free from additives and does not degrade as quickly as other materials. MedipreneTM a thermoplastic, medical-grade rubber, has an exceptional resistance to strong chemicals, high temperatures as well as UV light. All tubing from Elkay is designed with microbore precision for a consistent flow rate. Contact Elkay for a free consultation.
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International Labmate 47.6 - Sept 2022
September 2022
In This Edition Chromatography Articles - Eco-Friendly RP-HPLC Mass Spectrometry & Spectroscopy Articles - Occurrence of PFAS in a variety of fish species from the Baltic Sea and freshw...
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