LC Services Ltd
Station House, Station Road, Turvey, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK43 8BH, United Kingdom
- (+44) 1234881900
(+44) 1234881919
- contact@lcservs.com
- www.lcservicesltd.co.uk
Restek Corporation
110 Benner Circle, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, 16823, United States
- (+1) 8143531300
- crm@restek
- www.restek.com

JG Finneran
3600 Reilly Court, Vineland, NJ, 08360, United States
- (+1) 856 696 3605
(+1) 856 696 5652
- info@jgfinneran.com
- www.jgfinneran.com

Worldwide Glass Resources, Inc.
1022 Spruce Street, Vineland, NJ, 08360, United States
- (+1) 856 2051508
(+1) 856 2051700
- customerservice@wwgrinc.com
- www.wwglassresource.com and www.autosamplervial.com

Chromatography Direct Ltd
Unit 12, Beeston Court, Manor Park, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 1SS, United Kingdom
- (+44) 1925 599070
(+44) 1925 599071
- sales@chromatographydirect.com
- www.chromatographydirect.com

Miles Scientific (Analtech)
75 Blue Hen Drive, Newark, DE, 19713, United States
- (+1) 302-737-6960
- cs@milesscientific.com
- www.milesscientific.com

MicroSolv Technology Corporation
9158 Industrial Boulevard NE, Leland, NC, 28451, United States
- (+1) 732-380-8900
(+1) 910 769 9435
- marketing@mtc-usa.com
- www.mtc-usa.com

Biotage AB Sweden
Vimpelgatan 5, Uppsala, 753 18, Sweden
- (+46) 18 56 59 00
(+46) 18 59 19 22
- info@biotage.com
- www.biotage.com
GL Sciences B.V.
Dillenburgstraat 7C, 5652 AM, Eindhoven, Netherlands
- (+31) 40 2549531
- info@glsciences.eu
- www.glsciences.eu
Ellutia Ltd
Colston House, 200 Lancaster Way Business Park, Ely, Cambs, CB63NX, United Kingdom
- (+ 44) 1353 669916
(+44) 1353 669917
- info@ellutia.com
- www.ellutia.com

Quadrex Corp
PO Box 3881, Woodbridge, CT, 06525, United States
- (+1) 203 3933112
(+1) 203 3930391
- sales@quadrexcorp.com
- www.quadrexcorp.com

VICI AG International
Parkstrasse 2, Schenkon, 6214, Switzerland
- (+41) 9256200
(+41) 9256201
- info@vici.ch
- www.vici.com

Horizon Chromatography Ltd
94 Rochdale Road, Sowerby Bridge, Ripponden, Halifax, HX6 4LF, United Kingdom
- (+44) 1422 861991
- info@horizonhplc.com
- www.horizonhplc.com

Apiezon Products, M&I Materials Ltd.
Hibernia Way, Trafford Park, Manchester, M32 0ZD, United Kingdom
- (+44) 161 8645419
(+44) 161 8645444
- apiezonsales@mimaterials.com
- www.apiezon.com/index.php/products

Porex Corporation
500 Bohannon Road, Fairburn, GA, 30213, United States
- (+1) 770 9641421
(+1) 770 9690954
- info@porex.com
- www.porex.com
Merck Pte. Ltd.
2 Science Park Drive, Ascent Building, #05-01/12, 189767, Singapore
- (+65) 6890 6633
- quotes-sg@merckgroup.com
- www.merckgroup.com
Regis Technologies
8210 Austin Ave, Morton Grove, IL, 60053-3205, United States
- (+1) 8479676000
(+1) 8479675876
- chromsales@registech.com
- www.registech.com
Digital Edition
International Labmate 47.5 - July 2022
July 2022
In This Edition Chromatography Articles - The Importance of Understanding Pump Flow - Automated Sample Preparation: The Missing Hyphen to Hypernation Mass Spectrometry & Spectroscopy Arti...
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