• HPC威尔士以200万英镑的欧洲资金增长
    经济部长Vaughan Gething MS




At an event highlighting the impact of research enabled by High Performance Computing (HPC) in Wales, data experts, technology suppliers and policymakers gathered at the University of Cardiff’s new Abacws building, heard Economy Minister Vaughan Gething MS announce the provision of a further European Regional Development Fund of £2m to support HPC facilities and software engineering teams across all four Supercomputing Wales (SCW) universities: Cardiff, Swansea, Aberystwyth and Bangor. Available through the Welsh Government this has brought the total funding to £11.9M for the period 2015-2022, with University partner investment topping up the programme value to £19.6M.



加的夫大学的超级计算威尔士学术总监兼专业研究,创新和企业副校长罗杰·惠特克(Roger Whitaker)教授说:“我们很高兴欢迎包括经济部长沃恩·沃恩(Vaughan Gething)在内的各种代表和演讲者参加我们的展示柜。大规模数据现在很丰富,该活动旨在庆祝HPC和软件工程在帮助处理,分析和理解塑造威尔士,英国及其他地区创新的数据方面的作用。”

Guest speakers also included Professor Mark Wilkinson, Director of DiRAC which provides distributed HPC services to the Science and Technology Facilities Council theory community.Mike Gravenor, Professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at Swansea University’s Institute of Life Science and Dr Anna Price, a Research Software Engineer in Cardiff’s School of Biosciences focused on the role played by Supercomputing Wales in data analysis to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic.
