• 淀粉粒在油和水中常压和真空煎炸的温控台研究



Linkam科学仪器,已被智利教皇西亚大学(Católica de Chile)选择提供THMS350V阶段,以了解淀粉在油和水中的油炸。

在智利的Pontificia大学Católica de Chile,由化学和生物工艺工程系的Pedro Bouchon博士领导的研究小组正在使用Linkam THMS350V阶段来研究在油和水中淀粉颗粒的常压和真空油炸小型化。真空油炸的化学和结构方面仍然没有很好地理解,因此需要进一步的实验来理解这一过程。


该小组利用实时热真空阶段比较了真空和常压油炸的效果显微镜.分离出的淀粉颗粒在油和水中真空和加热期间的微观结构变化进行了检查。The Linkam THMS350V is mounted on an Olympus BX-61 light microscope and the samples are tested at different heating rates with different vacuum levels. Samples are totally immersed before frying, and real-time image capture is used to examine structural changes. Micro-structural changes are indicated by swelling and gelatinisation of the potato starch granules during heating at 15°C/min at atmospheric pressure. Granules start to swell at 64°C. As the temperature increases the granules start to lose their shape and at 100°C the granules begin to dehydrate due to water evaporation. The loss of birefringence of the granules indicates the onset of the gelatinisation process.

Pedro Bouchon团队的成员Pablo Cortes描述了林卡姆阶段如何“让我们实时了解不同条件下马铃薯淀粉颗粒微观结构的发展。我们研究了分离的马铃薯淀粉颗粒在过量水中加热并嵌入面筋和水基质中的糊化过程。这种微观结构方法为我们了解油炸和真空油炸过程提供了至关重要的信息。”
