Industry Flocks to Water/Wastewater Monitoring Event
Mar 23 2007
作者:Marcus Pattison & Graham Meller on behalf of WWEM
WWEM 2006 took place in early November and was almost unrecognisable in comparison to the inaugural 2005 event. WWEM was initially created to provide a vehicle for discussing and dispersing information on the Environment Agency?s monitoring certification scheme, MCERTS. However, on the evidence of WWEM 2006, it has become a red letter diary entry for anyone involved with testing or monitoring water. With a choice of conferences, twice as many exhibition stands and four times as many visitors, WWEM has become a meeting place for the whole sector.
Digital Edition
Lab Asia Guide 2022/23
October 2022
In This Edition Chromatography - Eco-Friendly RP-HPLC - Replacing Acetonitrile with Isopropanol in analytical and purification utilising Core-Shell Chromatography - New Gas Chromatographs fo...
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