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不结盟运动ing Ceremony reflects legacy of Eminent Scholars
Oct 07 2022
两个顶尖科学家,实验心理雷电竞网址学家Professor Susan Iversen CBE FMedSci and Nobel Prize-winning theoretical physicist Professor Sir Anthony Leggett FRS HonFInstP, have been honoured by The Oxford Science Park (TOSP), with their names given to the first and second units on the latest extension to the park’s newbuild, Plot 16. Both former Fellows of Magdalen College Oxford, the majority owner of TOSP, the 86,000 sq ft laboratory and office Iversen Building is expected to be completed in the summer of 2023 providing high-specification grow-on space for science and technology companies. The 78,500 sq ft Leggett Building will be completed the following year.
At a naming ceremony (September 16), building contractor John Sisk & Son presented TOSP with a time capsule to commemorate the event. This contains a copy of a newspaper, building plans and a list of contractors, and has been engraved with the logos of the buildings which have been designed to reflect the scientists’ research.
Professor Iversen, an Emeritus Professor of Psychology at the University of Oxford has research interests including brain neurotransmitters and pharmacological treatments of brain diseases. She is the first woman to have a building on The Oxford Science Park named after her. Professor Leggett, a world leader in the theory of low temperature physics was awarded the 2003 Nobel Prize in Physics for research on superfluidity.
Rory Maw, CEO of The Oxford Science Park, said, ‘With the naming of The Iversen and Leggett Buildings, we are delighted to continue our tradition of honouring eminent Magdalen College Fellows and their scientific contributions. These leading researchers will doubtless inspire the growing science and technology companies that will occupy the facilities. The two new buildings are part of TOSP’s accelerated growth strategy following the creation of the joint venture with GIC last year, providing high quality and much needed space for the thriving Oxford innovation ecosystem.’
Ajaz Shafi, COO, John Sisk & Son, said, ‘John Sisk & Son is proud to be delivering one of the UK’s pre-eminent locations for science and technology at The Oxford Science Park. The naming of both buildings at Plot 16 after two renowned scientists and former Fellows of Magdalen College is a fitting tribute. Works are progressing well on site and we look forward to leaving a lasting legacy in the community of Oxford.’
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