One of Australia’s largest providers of equine veterinary services, the Scone Equine Group, has chosen the Matrix Gemini Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) from Autoscribe Informatics to handle the workflow and test management of the samples for its hospital laboratory located in Scone, New South Wales. The order follows a LIMS configuration requirements workshop held on-site for Scone staff by the company which included detailed discussions of their actual workflows and the benefits that a LIMS could bring.
董事总经理卡梅隆·柯林斯(Cameron Collins)博士说:“我们选择了矩阵双子座兽医lims,因为它非常适合Scone Equine Group的需求。”“它的灵活配置工具将使我们能够实施特定于实验室的许多工作流程,尤其是在繁忙繁殖季节所需的工作流。在带有自动订阅信息学的现场研讨会之后,很明显,Matrix Gemini将提供最佳的LIMS解决方案来改变我们的实验室业务,提高效率和周转时间为客户提供结果。”
Autoscribe Informatics的Australasia主管Bob Blunden说:“我很高兴Scone Equine Group决定向我们订购Matrix Gemini Lims。它反映了Matrix提供的多功能性以及Autoscribe Informatics Pty Ltd提供的本地存在和支持,作为大澳大利亚地区的永久基础。最近,我们接管了更多的员工,以满足澳大利亚和新西兰的商机不断增长的机会。”