• Single-wavelength Fibre Laser for 2-photon Fluorescence Excitation

Single-wavelength Fibre Laser for 2-photon Fluorescence Excitation

Jan 30 2021

Toptica’s FemtoFiber ultra 920 at an output wavelength of 920 nm is ideally suited for the two-photon excitation of common fluorophores such as GFP, eGFP, Eosin, GCaMP, CFP, Calcein or Venus.

In 2-photon microscopy, peak-power is brightness. If you care for the best image brightness, you need short pulses, high power, and most importantly a clean temporal pulse shape.

With more than sufficient output power, shortest pulses, and unique Clean-Pulse Technology, the FemtoFiber ultra 920 features the highest relative peak power and enables unmatched brightness in 2-photon microscopy without unwanted heating of the sample.

With its robust and compact design, the FemtoFiber ultra 920 is an easy to operate and maintenance-free laser system. The laser system is a great solution for applications in non-linear microscopy like two-photon excitation of fluorescent proteins and SHG based contrast mechanisms. With the emission wavelength of 920 nm it provides highest peak power for especially green and yellow fluorescent protein markers (GFP, YFP) commonly used e.g. in neurosciences and other laser related biophotonics disciplines.

Turn-key and intuitive operation, fully-integrated dispersion compensation to ensure shortest pulses at the sample and built-in power control make the system extremely user-friendly and allow you to focus on your research.

The unique offering of the FemtoFiber ultra 920 has the potential to revolutionise two-photon fluorescence microscopy by making simple and cost-efficient light sources available to everyone.
