New Online European AFM Probe Store Launched
Mar 01 2017
牛津仪器研究推出了庇护s new European Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Probe Store, The EU Probe Store serves customers in all of Europe, India and the Middle East, offering a complete range of probes for virtually all AFMs. Customers can shop for a wide range of probe models including probes from Asylum’s own SurfRider™ line and many other manufacturers including, but not limited to, Olympus®, NanoWorld, Nanosensors™, BudgetSensors, Nanotools, Rocky Mountain Technology, SmartTip and PrimeNano.
The new and improved probe store features a wide variety of probes with a convenient interface to select and order probes. Users can create their own account to track orders and easily reorder their favourite probes. The simple design makes it easy to obtain price quotations, and to search for probe models by various criteria (e.g. application, specifications, compatibility, imaging environment, sample types). Detailed descriptions, specifications, an image of the probe, and a cross-reference to competitive probe models make it easy for customers to choose the right probe for any experiment. Customers also have instant visibility to in-stock probes and can receive free samples on select models. Asylum’s AFM Probe Store is the first to offer customer reviews of probes so scientists can share valuable knowledge about their experiments.
“European AFM users have many places to purchase probes, but none match the customer support that Asylum Research provides, especially for online purchases. This really sets us apart from all other probe providers,” said Teimour Maleki, Director of MEMs Development. “We encourage all AFM users to try out the new store, order samples, and to write a review of their favorite probes. Be sure to bookmark the European Probe Store for news and promotions. We have a lot of exciting things coming soon.”
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