非常贴切ic: The Importance of International Cooperation and Networking
Apr 28 2020
非常贴切ic is a manufacturer of light microscopes and digital imaging systems which are distributed through a worldwide net of lab suppliers and microscope specialists. Since more than 30 years Motic is working on solutions with maximum proximity to the demands of end users in the fields of education, laboratory, research and healthcare.
It feels like planet earth is rotating faster and faster. In the history of mankind there was rarely such a need to adapt to new conditions and requirements in order to avoid the fate of the dinosaurs. Pathologists worldwide deplore a critical gap in diagnostic supply, and shortages in physician and specialist manpower will increase.
Now’s the time for Digital Pathology. The advantages are numerous, as the results are faster accessible, more reliable and reproducible. The quantity of data created by digital scanning systems requires a data management through Cloud Computing. An international division of labour allows more precise diagnostics by remote specialists. The implementation of AI based systems and modern image analysis create new diagnostic tools like 3D reconstructions of tumours. Leading experts like Professor Peter Hufnagl from Institute of Pathology, Charité Berlin are convinced that virtual microscopy will replace ‘analogue’ microscopy in the near future.
One of Motic’s s newest contributions to virtual microscopy is a digital scanning system for routine medical use, theFS-Live: A real-time control and image streaming software suite that connects remotely working pathologists to a networked非常贴切icEasyScan Oneor非常贴切icEasyScan Pro. Developed with essential input from leading pathologists and cancer researchers in the United States, the system is optimised for a remote diagnosis of Frozen Sections and fine-needle aspiration biopsies, general cytology and live-sample evaluation.
Communication and cooperation again are the key issues in the fight against Malaria. The EasyScan GO, an AI-powered microscope for a fast detection of African trypanosomes, was developed in close contact with the Global Good Fund.
非常贴切ic’s latest initiative is a Digitization Service for tissue sections from pathology and histology. An effective tool to increase efficiency in medical healthcare, free of charge. A whole slide data acquisition is combined with aCloudserver for a safe storage of information. The worldwide communication option gives best chance for a fast ‘Second Opinion’ from a far-away expert.
非常贴切ic will continue its intense cooperation with experts from all over the world: To create new products and services for improved efficiency in healthcare work.
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International Labmate 47.6 - Sept 2022
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