Mass Spectrometry & Spectroscopy
New Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer Analysis of Complex Matrices
Aug 18 2012
Shimadzu has introduced the new LCMS-8080 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. The LCMS-8080 LC/MS/MS provides outstanding sensitivity with a large dynamic range and quantitation performance. The special design generates higher ion efficiency with further reduction of background noise, making the LCMS-8080 the preferred instrument for applications needing the highest level of sensitivity for analysis of complex matrices.
占用空间小,lcms - 8080 Sh完成imadzu’s LCMS triple quadrupole family (LCMS-8030 and -8040) enabling customers to choose the best instrument solution for their demands. Combined with the reliable and well-established Shimadzu HPLC / UFLC front end systems known as the fastest systems with lowest carry-over market-wide, it is the perfect solution.
The excellent sensitivity is based on technologies such as Coaxial Hot gas which provides efficient ionisation, whereas HSID (Hot Source Induced Desolvation) removes neutral contaminants and ensures reliable introduction of the ions into the mass spectrometer. The Laminar Flow technology conveys large quantities of ions to the detector with high transmission efficiency at high speeds.
The detection limits are in the low femtogram range. The LCMS-8080’s sensitivity ranges wider with higher accuracy quantitation than ever before achieved.
The LCMS triple quadrupole family is controlled by the well-known innovative and easy-to-use LabSolutions software. It provides seamless operation and a stress-free analysis environment. The refined Quantitation Browser, which processes multiple analytes, is a powerful function for quantitative analysis. The Data Browser enables users to analyse and compare multiple sets of data in the same window.
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