Exitile`s Access to Hygienic Solutions
Dec 20 2005
Exitilehave long been recognised at the UK’s leading manufacturer of metal access panels and inline with their continued product development can now offer silver antimicrobial protection, considered unique in this type of product which makes them an obvious choice in areas of possible risk. The protection is provided through a partnership with BioCote Ltd, an advanced antimicrobial technology based on Silver.
The BioCote treatment is incorporated into the moulding process when producing the major constituents of the Exitile access panels, including the visible areas of frames and doors. The protection provided is long-term and deals with the problem of health threatening micro-organisms that can be encountered within medical and clinical environments.
Exitile understand the importance of cleaning as an immediate action to eliminate bacteria, however if cleaning programmes fail or areas are neglected then surfaces can become susceptible to bacteria build up. Outlined in the NHS Estates Cleaning Manual are cleaning methods, access panels are not specified for a cleaning programme, so when are they cleaned? This is when there is a need for a second line of defence to inhibit bacterial growth and why Exitile have partnered with BioCote to offer a hygienic solution.
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Lab Asia Guide 2022/23
October 2022
In This Edition Chromatography - Eco-Friendly RP-HPLC - Replacing Acetonitrile with Isopropanol in analytical and purification utilising Core-Shell Chromatography - New Gas Chromatographs fo...
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