The Latest in Screening Data Management with Activitybase Xe V7.0
我DBShas announced the launch of ActivityBase Xtended Edition (ActivityBase XE) v7.0, which is set to advance screening capabilities. The latest release of ActivityBase XE, already established as a complete screening solution, includes support for complex assay types (e.g. multiplexing and HCS), extending ActivityBase XE's applicability across the discovery process.
我DBS is a leading provider of discovery data management software. The release of this latest module for ActivityBase offers screening scientists a single environment for data capture, visualization, verification, quality control and storage. Using ActivityBase XE, users can identify and fix potential issues in the data in a quick and efficient manner. Presenting screening data in a contextually rich environment helps support decision making and linking analysis templates to experimental conditions greatly reduces the time needed for maintenance. Suspect data detection provides a transparent and comprehensive means of identifying systematic errors with a screening run. ActivityBase XE's open architecture enables the inclusion of the user's own error detection algorithms, as well as the integration of in-house visualizations, fit models and mathematic formulae.
我DBS is a leading provider of discovery data management software. The release of this latest module for ActivityBase offers screening scientists a single environment for data capture, visualization, verification, quality control and storage. Using ActivityBase XE, users can identify and fix potential issues in the data in a quick and efficient manner. Presenting screening data in a contextually rich environment helps support decision making and linking analysis templates to experimental conditions greatly reduces the time needed for maintenance. Suspect data detection provides a transparent and comprehensive means of identifying systematic errors with a screening run. ActivityBase XE's open architecture enables the inclusion of the user's own error detection algorithms, as well as the integration of in-house visualizations, fit models and mathematic formulae.
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