• Special offer for computer program for chemical thermodynamic and energy release evaluation


Special offer for computer program for chemical thermodynamic and energy release evaluation

Sep 28 2020

The CHETAH (Chemical Thermodynamic and Energy Release) program isASTM International’sunique tool for predicting both thermochemical properties and certain reactive chemicals hazards associated with pure chemical, a mixture of chemicals, or a chemical reaction.

This is accomplished through knowledge of only the molecular structure(s) of the components involved by an implementation of Benson's method of group additivity.

CHETAH can be used for classifying materials for their ability to decompose with violence, for estimating heats of reaction or combustion, for prediction of chemical equilibrium, and for predicting lower flammable limits.

New for Version 11.0, is the NASA Lewis chemical equilibrium calculations, which allows the user to predict equilibrium compositions, pressures, and temperatures of a user selected list of reactants. The extensive database of chemicals within the CHETAH databases can be used as reactant chemicals. Also, chemicals not in the databases or even in the published literature can be entered as reactants by making use of the Benson group molecular fragment database.

The database for ideal gas Benson groups contains 1,165 groups. It is the largest Benson group database known to exist. In all, 66 new groups have been added. 47 groups have been updated or include additional data. Thermodynamic values provide for 20 Benson groups based on latest best values in the literature. Entropy values for many ideal gas Benson groups are included in the database. This also enables Gibb’s Free Energy calculations for these groups.

11.0版本使用Microsoft Access数据库nagement and to manage the user interface. The calculation details are accomplished in the Visual Basic for Applications structure of Access and in C language. CHETAH 11 is designed to be compatible and seamless with the current versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system.

Users can generate pdf format reports direct from the interface as well as Microsoft Word© documents. Past sessions can easily be modified and recalculated. Past sessions from CHETAH 10.0 can be moved to the new version, 11.0.

Four instructional videos are available on the ASTM website to assist in your purchasing decision based on the needs of your laboratory. Currently, ASTMoffera discount of 10% for a single user and 15% off for multi-users license.