Detectors That Simply Integrate...
Jul 26 2006
ESA Biosciences, Inc., a subsidiary of Magellan Biosciences, Inc., has announced that its Corona?CAD? and Coulochem III HPLC detectors can now be interfaced to the Agilent ChemStation through a standard USB interface. This new interface allows for control and direct digital data acquisition of ESA's most popular HPLC detectors in the ChemStation environment. ESA and Agilent customers worldwide will benefit through the lower cost and increased simplicity of integration. Establishing this first available, fully integrated, ChemStation driver set was the result of a close collaborative effort between ESA and Agilent.
As the largest installed base of any chromatography software application, the Agilent ChemStation upgrade package (Revision B.02.01) was released in March. According to Agilent, the new user interface will significantly improve productivity and ease integration of important specialty HPLC detectors. The ChemStation B.02.01 will also be available in localised versions in Japanese and Chinese.
ESA's Corona Charged Aerosol Detector offers all-in-one performance benefits that refractive index (RI), low wavelength (UV), evaporative light scattering (ELS), and chemiluminescence nitrogen (CLN) detector methods lack. Its superior performance typically provides ten times the sensitivity of ELS, a broad dynamic detection range over four orders of magnitude, more consistent response factors independent of chemical structure and full gradient capability, delivering for the first time to the HPLC market almost complete universality.
The Coulochem III electrochemical detector represents the acknowledged standard for highly sensitive and selective detection in HPLC. With its flexible modular design, the Coulochem III platform can be used with any HPLC system and will never become obsolete. The detector readily quantifies picogram to femtogram levels of oxidisable or reducible compounds.
As the largest installed base of any chromatography software application, the Agilent ChemStation upgrade package (Revision B.02.01) was released in March. According to Agilent, the new user interface will significantly improve productivity and ease integration of important specialty HPLC detectors. The ChemStation B.02.01 will also be available in localised versions in Japanese and Chinese.
ESA's Corona Charged Aerosol Detector offers all-in-one performance benefits that refractive index (RI), low wavelength (UV), evaporative light scattering (ELS), and chemiluminescence nitrogen (CLN) detector methods lack. Its superior performance typically provides ten times the sensitivity of ELS, a broad dynamic detection range over four orders of magnitude, more consistent response factors independent of chemical structure and full gradient capability, delivering for the first time to the HPLC market almost complete universality.
The Coulochem III electrochemical detector represents the acknowledged standard for highly sensitive and selective detection in HPLC. With its flexible modular design, the Coulochem III platform can be used with any HPLC system and will never become obsolete. The detector readily quantifies picogram to femtogram levels of oxidisable or reducible compounds.
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