LabAsia Buyers Guide

In this Issue

Mass Spectrometry & Spectroscopy
High-Field Asymmetric Waveform Ion Mobility Separation and its Application to Small Molecule Analysis
詹姆斯·c·雷诺兹,劳伦·j·布朗,罗伯特•史密斯Emma L. Harry and Colin S. Creaser

Evolution of Mixed-Mode Chromatography

Laboratory Products
Laboratory Water Quality Affects Protein Separation by 2D Gel Electrophoresis
Maricar Tarun and Stephane Mabic

Microscopy & Microtechnology
Thermal imaging cameras confirm effectiveness of local anaesthetics
Loic Premartin

News Asia
Gwyneth Astles

Business Opportunities Europe and Middle East
With expansion a prime focus for businesses worldwide, many are looking towards rapidly establishing new regions of growth, particularly in Europe
and the Middle East. This section of Lab Asia will especially look at the success of both Asian and European companies with established premises or
business partnerships, highlighting the opportunities that exist while realising potential for other companies to move into export markets.
Heather Hobbs

Directory Listings
Laboratory, Chemical & Clinical Products
Manufacturers (Alphabetical)

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