schuett-biotec GmbH

Company Profile for schuett-biotec GmbH

schuett-biotec GmbH manufactures equipment for Biotechnology, Microbiology and Life Sciences. Large range of innovative instruments of excellent quality, covered by first-grade customer support worldwide. Developed and manufactured at our premises in Goettingen, Germany. Distributed nation- and worldwide by a network of dealers.

Reliable electrical Safety Bunsen Burners, Inoculating Loop Sterilizers with latest sterilization light-technology, large range of Anaerobic jars in different sizes, Homogenizer for tough and difficult tissue and much more .

Let us convince you with our scale-up INCUDRIVE 90 Roller Bottle Incubator models for e.g. adherent cell culture. High productivity - by temperature stability in each bottle. High flexibility - with our new models Touch and Flex and device construction on castors (fits through every door). High safety – GMP monitoring/controlling, Battery Backup, FAT/SAT etc.

还是我们的strong expertise in colony counting. Our automated system counting up to 1,000 colonies within a second, rapid change between all kinds of culture media, plate shapes/sizes and methods possible. Easy enumeration of different colored colonies simultaneously. The high class video camera with autofocus/autozoom shows a true-color live picture in HDMI-quality. Data transfer to your LIMS? IQ/OQ documentation?Bioburden/Roboter automation?

Yes, schuett-biotec can - quality “Made in Germany”.

Articles from schuett-biotec GmbH