Essential Environment 36th Edition A Comprehensive Guide to UK and EU Environmental Protection Legislation
Loveday MurleyPaperback
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This edition of Essential Environment includes details of UK and EU environmental and pollution control legislation in force at the end of April 2014, with summaries of draft Regulations and relevant consultations also published by the end of April 2014. The aim of Essential Environment is to provide an overview of environmental and pollution control legislation and related issues that is accessible to users with widely varying knowledge and expertise. It does not, however, set out to provide a detailed statement of the law; specialist professional advice should always be sought in dealing with specific problems, or before taking legal action.
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Table of Contents
Topics include: Industrial Pollution, Air Quality, Climate Change, Transport, Noise and Nuisance, Waste, Agriculture Land Quality, Environmental Liability, Water
Author Biography
Loveday Murley is responsible for compiling and editing Essential Environment (formerly the Pollution Control Handbook) and Essential Environment Online for Environmental Technology Publications. Both the book and website were formerly produced by Environmental Protection UK (EPUK) for whom Loveday worked for over 20 years with responsibility for the editing and production of all their publications. During her time at EPUK Loveday also edited publications for the International Union of Air Pollution and Environmental Protection Organisations, including two editions of Clean Air Around the World - National Approaches to Air Pollution Control. Prior to joining EPUK Loveday worked for the International Organisation of Consumers’ Unions (based in The Hague) and the National Consumer Council.
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