• RMS AGM and Council nominations

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RMS AGM and Council nominations

Mar 28 2023

The Royal Microscopical Society AGM is set to take place during mmc2023 on July 4 (6pm) at the Manchester Central Convention Complex.

Open to both members and non-members attending mmc2023, including conference delegates, exhibition visitors and exhibitors, anyone wishing to attend specifically for the AGM can do so with their free exhibition registration.

Meanwhile nominations (in addition to those made by Council) to fill any of the Offices of President, Vice-President, Honorary Secretaries, Honorary Treasurer or other member of Council are currently open, (please check for deadline details on the information link below).

The Society's by-laws state that any four RMS Fellows may nominate any other duly qualified person by delivering the nomination in writing to the Chief Executive Officer, together with the written consent of the nominee to accept office - if elected.

More details are availableonline