液体处理:干腊肠ing the Very Last Drop
Dec 20 2005
P2i Ltdlaunched its range of super repellent nano-coatings to the international medical device and consumables sector at ComPaMed, Dusseldorf.
Already P2i has attracted a great deal of interest with its first major application for pipette tips and is now looking to repeat this success with other consumables such as plates, filters and devices. With pipette tips, P2i uses its proprietary cold plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) process to apply nano-thin coatings which dramatically enhance their performance, virtually eliminating liquid retention.
Extensive testing in P2i's custom-built nano-coating chambers has shown that P2i-enhanced pipette tips produce more accurate and reliable results and can reduce reagent costs by up to 10%. The ultra-low adhesion, pin-hole free coating has a surface energy 3x lower than Teflon® (PTFE) and has no leachable components. This advance offers major benefits across the full spectrum of pipetting applications from handheld pipettes to large scale robotic liquid handling systems.
Already P2i has attracted a great deal of interest with its first major application for pipette tips and is now looking to repeat this success with other consumables such as plates, filters and devices. With pipette tips, P2i uses its proprietary cold plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) process to apply nano-thin coatings which dramatically enhance their performance, virtually eliminating liquid retention.
Extensive testing in P2i's custom-built nano-coating chambers has shown that P2i-enhanced pipette tips produce more accurate and reliable results and can reduce reagent costs by up to 10%. The ultra-low adhesion, pin-hole free coating has a surface energy 3x lower than Teflon® (PTFE) and has no leachable components. This advance offers major benefits across the full spectrum of pipetting applications from handheld pipettes to large scale robotic liquid handling systems.
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International Labmate Buyers Guide 2022
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