• Strategic Partnership to Expand Reagent Portfolios

Strategic Partnership to Expand Reagent Portfolios

Apr 19 2023

Cytek Biosciences, Inc has announced a strategic partnership with Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc, a leading life science research and clinical diagnostics products company. The partnership will enhance high-parameter panels on Cytek Cell Analysis Systems by providing access to Bio-Rad's exceptionally bright, high-performing new StarBright™ Dyes. Cytek will use these dyes to develop and commercialise reagent products to support high-parameter applications on Aurora and Northern Lights™ flow cytometry systems.

The StarBright Dyes are stable with superior brightness and narrow excitation and emission characteristics for minimised spillover and improved resolution of specific cell populations, allowing researchers to build bigger, better panels.

Cytek's proprietary cFluor® family of dyes will complement Bio-Rad's StarBright Dyes, providing a wider variety of colour options for highly multiplexed panel design and application development. Cytek plans to develop and optimise single vial reagents and multicolour panels using StarBright Dyes for the more than 1,500 Cytek Full Spectrum Profiling™ (FSP™) instruments already deployed across more than 40 countries. Bio-Rad StarBright Dye conjugates can also be integrated seamlessly into Cytek immunoprofiling assays.
