Labmate UK & Ireland
Giant Radio Telescope goes Multi-National
A new UK telescope linked up to a network of others across Europe has delivered its first ‘radio pictures’of the 3C196 quasar (a black hole in a distant galaxy). The pictures were taken by the International LOFAR (Low Frequency Array) Telescope designed to study the sky at the lowest radio frequencies accessible from the surface of the Earth and co-ordinated by ASTRON in the Netherlands.
STFC’s Chilbolton Observatory in Hampshire, is the western most telescope station in LOFAR, which collectively is almost 1000 km wide and the largest telescope in the world. “This is a very significant event for the LOFAR project and a great demonstration of what the UK is contributing,” said Derek McKay-Bukowski, STFC/SEPnet Project Manager at LOFAR Chilbolton. “The new images are three times sharper than has been previously possible with LOFAR..............
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Lab Asia 30.2 - April 2023
April 2023
在这版Chromatography Articles - On-Column Sample Focussing: a Personal Perspective Mass Spectrometry & Spectroscopy Articles - Multi-scale, multi-modal and operando imaging wi...
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May 10 2023Beijing, China
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