A new Era in Microbial Detection
May 30 2013
In the 21st century, when it comes to communication, manufacturing, healthcare, transport, energy and waste management, we expect nothing less than instant access to the latest technologies. With this we require maximum profits with minimum investments to operate as efficiently as possible. However, in practice one technique lags far behind. Why are we exposed to microbiological hazards on a daily base caused by using a slow 18th-century culture based microbial method whilst much faster, better, more reliable and more sophisticated techniques are available?
Innosieve Diagnostics is at the forefront in pioneering successfully for many years with rapid microbial detection methods. Based on two platforms Innosieve Diagnostics offers a comprehensive range of methods for same day, or within just one hour, to get inconclusive on microbial safety, validation and release of your product. The innovative microbial detection methods Innosieve Diagnostics are based on: Real-time PCR method, particularly suitable 50 analysis and more per day, suitable for simultaneous and bulk analysis. Highly specific and sensitive detection from 1 micro-organism and up. Elapse 3 hours sample to result; Sieve-ID method, particularly suitable up to 50 analysis per day, suitable for large sample volumes. Both generic and specific and sensitive to deploy. No propagation steps in advance. Multiple micro-organisms in one run. Elapse 1 hour sample to result.
For both Innosieve’s methods goes that growth factors are disregarded and excluded. However, both methods can and will discriminate between life and dead microorganisms.
The new way of working saves space, time, efforts means and money. It’s efficient and lean. Recent studies and pilots have shown that an ROI within 6 months is easily achieved when rapid methods are used.
Innosieve Diagnostics offers complete applications for Pharmaceutical, Food & Beverages, Hygiene, Water and Medical assays.
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