Web Seminar Program is the Biggest Yet!
May 14 2007
Now in its seventh year,Malvern Instruments' web seminar program for 2007 is the company's biggest and most varied to date. Not only are these free webinars growing in popularity, with increasing numbers of people logging on to each event, the variety and scope of subjects is wider than ever. This reflects the breadth of applications for Malvern's advanced analytical systems, which deliver particle, rheological and chemical composition data essential in characterizing a wide variety of materials.
This year too, many of Malvern's web seminars are being offered twice at different times so that audiences throughout the world can select the most appropriate to fit with their working day. The program includes presentations in English, German and French languages.
A number of guest presenters will participate during the year, including Chris Holland from Oxford University in the UK, who will talk about the rheology of spider silk, the subject of a recent publication in Nature Materials, as part of Malvern's Rheology Focus Forum.
Malvern's VP Marketing, Randy Byrne, is extremely pleased with the success of the seminars: "A great deal of time and effort has gone into establishing Malvern's webinars and ensuring that we always deliver a high standard of both content and presentation, so it's really good to note that the feedback we receive from participants is overwhelmingly positive. The seminars are of course recorded and can be freely downloaded after the event and we know that these resources are among the most frequently accessed on our website," he said.
This year too, many of Malvern's web seminars are being offered twice at different times so that audiences throughout the world can select the most appropriate to fit with their working day. The program includes presentations in English, German and French languages.
A number of guest presenters will participate during the year, including Chris Holland from Oxford University in the UK, who will talk about the rheology of spider silk, the subject of a recent publication in Nature Materials, as part of Malvern's Rheology Focus Forum.
Malvern's VP Marketing, Randy Byrne, is extremely pleased with the success of the seminars: "A great deal of time and effort has gone into establishing Malvern's webinars and ensuring that we always deliver a high standard of both content and presentation, so it's really good to note that the feedback we receive from participants is overwhelmingly positive. The seminars are of course recorded and can be freely downloaded after the event and we know that these resources are among the most frequently accessed on our website," he said.
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